Sunday, December 10, 2006

One for the memories

The fat one got sick of eating his ben and jerrys and decided to edit some photos.

this was actually taken in a church, and he changed the background to the matrix revolution.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mission possible

da mission: watch saw 3

da crew: Kerubin/ yuiz/ Crouchy

da plan: Buy tickets to a movie slightly earlier then sneak into the saw 3 cinema later.

Saw 3 wasn't that bad... but i think the standard of the franchise is dropping and I seriously don't see how is it that they have in plan up to saw 6. Unlike the previous 2 saw movies which impressed with their twist, there wasn't really much of a twist in saw 3. As such they probably thought they could impress us with more gore. Well i guess the question on every ones mind is that if Amanda and jigsaw died, then who will be in saw 4. Im not sure if I will be as eager to catch saw 4 as i was to catch saw 3, but i still cant wait for saw 4 to come out, as it would probably mean that im free.

I also don't understand why is it that the government feels that it is ok for males aged 16 1/2 years old to carry guns. but not ok for them to watch gory movies like saw 3. Does this mean that if a war breaks out tomorrow, this below 21 years of age soldiers will only be sent to fight in areas where the gore is below r21 rating. How can we expect the soldiers to handle the gore of war if we feel that they cant handle the gore in a movie.

oh ya the advertisements before the movie showed this jack neo film coming out next year which attacks red tape and inefficiency in our government agencies. sounds interesting!